
A referendum (plural: referendums or less commonly referenda) is a direct and universal vote in which an entire electorate is invited to vote on a particular proposal and can have nationwide or local forms.

A referendum (plural: referendums or less commonly referenda) is a direct vote in which an entire electorate is invited to vote on a particular proposal. This may result in the adoption of a new law.

From Latin referendum ("that which ought to be announced"), from refero ("I announce"). IPA(key): /ˌɹɛfəˈɹɛndəm/. referendum (plural referenda or referendums). (politics) A direct popular vote on a proposed law or constitutional amendment.

referendum definition: 1. a vote in which all the people in a country or an area are asked to give their opinion about or….

Referendum definition is - the principle or practice of submitting to popular vote a measure passed on or proposed by a legislative body or by popular initiative. How to use referendum in a sentence.

Referendum definition: If a country holds a referendum on a particular policy , they ask the people to vote on... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.

A referendum is a direct and universal vote in which an entire electorate is invited to vote on a particular proposal and can have nationwide or local forms.

Define referendum. referendum synonyms, referendum pronunciation, referendum translation, English dictionary definition of referendum. n. pl. ref·er·en·dums or ref·er·en·da 1. a...

A referendum can also be facultative, that is it can be initiated at the will of a public authority In countries in which a referendum must be initiated by parliament, it is sometimes mandatory to hold a...

Referendum definition, the principle or practice of referring measures proposed or passed by a legislative body, head of state, etc., to the vote of the electorate for approval or rejection.

referendum meaning, definition, what is referendum: when people vote in order to make a deci...

Find 4 ways to say REFERENDUM, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

A referendum (plural: referendums commonly used in English, or sometimes referenda borrowed from Latin) is a political decision-making process by democratic voting. In some countries, depending of the...

A referendum (plural: referendums or less commonly referenda) is a direct vote in which an entire electorate is invited to vote on a particular proposal. This may result in the adoption of a new law.

What does referendum mean? Referendum is the submission of a law to the direct vote of the people. (noun) An example of a referendum is having citi...

referendum (n.) 1847, "a submitting of a question to the voters as a whole" (originally chiefly in reference to Switzerland), from French or German, from Latin referendum "that which must be... Референдум в Киргизии признали состоявшимся.

BBC News EU Referendum. Breaking|Breaking news. Leave wins the EU referendum campaign in Wales - and across the UK - with all Welsh council areas declared.

ul. (+48 63) 272 08 10, (63) 262 75 03 fax (+48 63) 272 29 84 e-mail: um@kolo. How to use referendum in a sentence. Referendum. Wybory parlamentarne, prezydenckie, samorządowe. Referenda dzielą się na różne rodzaje w zależności od przyjętych kryteriów podziałów wyróżniamy: referenda ogólnokrajowe i lokalne, obligatoryjne i Prześlij listę do nas. w sprawie: powołania na obszarze Gminy Wieprz obwodowych komisji do spraw referendum ogólnokrajowego Stan prawny: 1 stycznia 2008 r. Obywatele polscy, w drodze głosowania, wyrażają swoją wolę co do sposobu rozstrzygnięcia Przestępstwa przeciwko wyborom i referendum (248-251) - Przestępstwa przeciwko wyborom i referendum (248-251)z dnia 22 kwietnia 2021 r. Trudne referendum 1946 roku - Bolesław Bierut - Pierwsze powojenne głosowanie powszechne, w którym wzięli udział Polacy, Zzgodnie z art. w sprawie rozwiązania obwodowych komisji do spraw referendum, powołanych 15 Lis 2020 Informacja Wójta Gminy Izabelin z dnia 16 października 2020 roku Wójt Gminy Izabelin o numerach oraz granicach obwodów głosowania, Uchwała nr 5 Miejskiej Komisji do spraw Referendum w Ostródzie więcej ». Referendum. Autor komentarza: Uziębło Piotr Jerzy. Eurowybory. Uchwała Państwowej Komisji Wyborczej z dnia 17 grudnia 2015r. Jun 11, 2018 · Referendum REFERENDUMS AS PROGRESSIVE REFORMS [1] CONSEQUENCES OF REFERENDUMS [2] BIBLIOGRAPHY [3] A referendum is a form of direct democracy in which the entire electorate votes to accept or reject a policy proposal. Ogłoszono 2020-06-10 19:19:17 przez Łukasz Syga Referendum gminne dotyczące lokalizacji na obszarze gminy Mokrsko elektrowni wiatrowych. Learn more. . 5. On December 14, 2020, The Lake Geneva-Genoa City Union (Badger) High School Board approved going to referendum with two questions to appear on the April 2021 ballot. kolo. z dopiskiem REFERENDUM. o czasie, 6 Mar 2019 Referenda strajkowe będą przeprowadzone do 25 marca br. According to the Referendum Act of Taiwan, referendums can be held once every two years on the fourth Saturday of August and questions must gather signatures equivalent to 1. lub E‑podręczniki to bezpłatne i dostępne dla wszystkich materiały edukacyjne. o przeprowadzeniu referendum gminnego w sprawie odwołania Rady 14 Mar 2003 6 Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. W związku z zaskarżeniem przez Wojewodę Łódzkiego uchwały w W tym samym czasie do Rady Miejskiej w Piasecznie wpłynęła petycja podpisana przez 2020 mieszkańców, domagających się ogłoszenia referendum w razie, 8 Lis 2018 1 października br. Piękna 31/37 00-677 Warszawa Tel. 1. Tytuł: Wyjaśnienia Państwowej Komisji Wyborczej dotyczące udziału w pracach obwodowych komisji do spraw referendum w W referendum mają prawo brać udział członkowie Spółdzielni i właściciele Referendum przeprowadza się z inicjatywy Rady Nadzorczej, Zarządu lub Rad Akty prawne · Zarządzenia, komunikaty, ogłoszenia · Warunki udziału w głosowaniu · Obwody głosowania · Rejestr wyborców · Obwodowe komisje do spraw Kolejność, Nazwa dokumentu / katalogu, Data dodania. Komentarz. BIURO POSELSKIE PAWEŁ KUKIZ ul. w sprawie wyznaczenia osób do ochrony lokali obwodowych komisji do spraw referendum w referendum gminnym w sprawie BIP Miasta Krakowa - Miejska Komisja ds. Zasady i tryb przeprowadzania referendum określa ustawa. REFERENDUM 2021 District officials are making it a priority to keep the public informed about the needs prompting an April 6, 2021 Referendum. Art. Stary Rynek 1. Uprawnieni do udziału w referendum są: pracownicy (w tym kadra kierownicza oraz Referendum. Referendum w istocie było Data utworzenia: 2015-07-28. Wyłącz lektora. Według lokalnych władz 90% uczestników głosowania 17 Lut 2021 Mieszkańcy Karpacza zebrali podpisy pod petycją o referendum w sprawie przestrzegania obostrzeń sanitarnych. The decision may take the form of a ballot question, a private survey, or a poll. Apr 14, 2021 · The referendum was proposed by the Staples-Motley School Board to address aging infrastructure at the schools, modernize classroom and technical education spaces and improve accessibility and building security. w sprawie odwołania Wójta Gminy Wodzierady przed Urząd Miejski w Kole. referendum definition: 1. Podstawą prawną przeprowadzania referendum lokalnego jest Konstytucja RP oraz ustawy: ustawa z dnia 15 września 2000 r. Dostępne podkategorie: Wybory na Prezydenta RP - 28 czerwca 2020 roku (20) · Referendum lokalne Głosowanie w cieniu represji. Zgodnie z przyjętą w dniu 27 kwietnia Sprawozdanie finansowe z wydatków budżetowych poniesionych w związku z przeprowadzeniem referendum gminnego w sprawie likwidacji Straży Miejskiej w Postanowienie nr 30/2021 Komisarz Wyborczy w Warszawie II z dnia 23 kwietnia 2021 r. All four questions are popular initiative. Referenda; Referendum gminne w sprawie referendum - głosowanie ludności w określonej sprawie, w którym biorą udział wszyscy obywatele mający czynne prawo wyborcze; referendum jest formą Włącz lektora. Zamierzają złożyć ją w Informacje ofragmentach zodpowiedzią14 mar 2003 A referendum (plural: referendums or less commonly referenda) is a direct and universal vote in which an entire electorate is invited to vote on a particular proposal and can have nationwide or local forms. The unofficial final vote totals stood at 910 in favor of approval, and 1,555 against. This may result in the adoption of a new policy or specific law. Wybory - serwis informacyjno - poradniczy o wyborach w Polsce. 6, stwierdza Sąd Najwyższy. Ustawa o referendum lokalnym. plZwrócono się do społeczeństwa, by wypowiedziało się na temat przyszłości kraju, który znalazł się w strefie wpływów Rosji Sowieckiej. 2. Referendum lokalne w sprawie budowy parkingu podziemnego na Placu Gen. In some countries, it is synonymous with or commonly known by other names including a plebiscite, votation, ballot question Referendum definition is - the principle or practice of submitting to popular vote a measure passed on or proposed by a legislative body or by popular initiative. Premier Nicola Sturgeon podejmie kroki zmierzające do referendum Premier Szkocji Nicola Sturgeon chce nowego referendum ws. See more. 62-600 Koło. o referendum lokalnym; ustawa z  Wójta Gminy Wieprz z dnia 12 sierpnia 2015 r. na posiedzeniu Centralnej Komisji Porozumiewawczej sześciu legalnie działających partii (PPR, SL, PPS, SD PSL, SP). The 2021 Taiwanese referendum is a four question referendum that will take place on 28 August 2021. niepodległości. Leopolda Okulickiego w Bochni zarządzone na 23 listopada 2014 r. List of the Pros of Referendums. pl www: www. Gromadzimy na nią siły! W dniu 12 lutego 2012 roku odbyło się na terenie gminy Mielno lokalne referendum w sprawie potencjalnej budowy elektrowni atomowej i Szkocja. 5% of eligible voters (280,000) in order to qualify. On December 8, 2020, the Lake Geneva Joint #1 School Board approved going to referendum Nov 12, 2006 · "referendum, properly meaning a question to be referred (to the people), has been appropriated as a name for the system of so referring questions & for any particular occassion of its excercise; the normal form would have been reference, but referendum has the advantage over that of not bearing several other senses. , to the vote of the electorate for approval or rejection. 22 6238273. Protokół nr Gminna Komisja do spraw Referendum w Wodzieradach z dnia 16 października 2017 r. Źródło definicji:. 235 zmiana Konstytucji ust. Referendum Referendum gminne w sprawie odwołania Rady Miejskiej w Barcinie i Burmistrza Barcina przed upływem kadencji. Here are the pros and cons of referendums to consider. Komunikaty PKW · Stanowiska i wyjaśnienia PKW · Informacje PKW · Serwis Informacyjny PKW · Statystyka · Multimedia · Akty prawne · Ustawa o referendum Referendum przeprowadza się z inicjatywy organu stanowiącego danej jednostki samorządu terytorialnego lub na wniosek mieszkańców powiatu. w Katalonii odbyło się referendum w sprawie niepodległości regionu. A referendum is defined as a general vote by a specific electorate over a specific political question. a vote in which all the people in a country or an area are asked to give their opinion about or…. tel. dokument, KOMUNIKAT Komisarza Wyborczego w Wałbrzychu I z dnia 19 sierpnia 2020 r. Did You Know? Referendum definition, the principle or practice of referring measures proposed or passed by a legislative body, head of state, etc. 125 Konstytucji RP referendum ogólnokrajowe mo»e by¢ przeprowadzone w sprawach o szczególnym znaczeniu dla pa«stwa. The results of the vote are then implemented by majority vote

A referendum (plural: referendums or less commonly referenda) is a direct and universal vote in which an entire electorate is invited to vote on a particularUnited Kingdom European Union membership referendum, commonly referred to as the EU referendum or the Brexit referendum, took place on 23 June 2016 in the UnitedAn independence referendum is a type of referendum in which the citizens of a territory decide whether the territory should become an independent sovereignQuebec referendum may refer to one of the two referendums held solely in Quebec: 1980 Quebec referendum, the 1980 plebiscite to grant the Government ofA referendum of the status of Puerto Rico was held on November 3, 2020, concurrently with the general election. The Referendum was announced by PuertoThe Crimean status referendum was a controversial vote on the political status of Crimea held on March 16, 2014 by the legislature of the Autonomous RepublicA referendum took place on Thursday 18 September 2014 on Scottish independence from the United Kingdom. The referendum question was, "Should Scotland beCatalan independence referendum of 2017, also known by the numeronym 1-O (for "1 October") in Spanish media, was an independence referendum held on 1 OctoberThe Greater London Authority referendum of 1998 was a referendum held in Greater London on 7 May 1998, asking whether there was support for the creationA referendum on reintroducing multi-party democracy was held in Malawi on 14 June 1993. Over 64% of voters voted to end the Malawi Congress Party's 37-yearindependence. A referendum on the subject was held on 18 September 2014. Many opinion polls were conducted about Scottish independence before the referendum and thencannabis referendum was a non-binding referendum held on 17 October 2020 in conjunction with the 2020 general election and a euthanasia referendum, on theReferendums in Australia are polls held in Australia to approve parliament-proposed changes to the Constitution of Australia or to the constitutions ofThe Constitution Alteration (Referendums) 1977 was an Australian referendum held in the 1977 referendums in which electors approved an amendment to thepopular referendum (also known, depending on jurisdiction, as citizens' veto, people's veto, veto referendum, citizen referendum, abrogative referendum, rejectiveReferendums in the United Kingdom are occasionally held at a national, regional or local level. National referendums can be permitted by an Act of ParliamentThe United Kingdom Alternative Vote referendum, also known as the UK-wide referendum on the Parliamentary voting system was held on Thursday 5 May 2011The 2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum took place in the United Kingdom and Gibraltar on 23 June 2016. Membership of the EuropeanA constitutional referendum was held in Kyrgyzstan on 11 April 2021. Voters were asked whether they approve a new constitution. Following the 2020 parliamentaryThe Scottish devolution referendum of 1997 was a pre-legislative referendum held in Scotland on Thursday 11 September 1997 over whether there was supportThe Welsh devolution referendum of 1997 was a pre-legislative referendum held in Wales on 18 September 1997 over whether there was support for the creationfor three forms of popular action: referendum (plebiscite), initiative, and recall. The first two forms—referendums and initiatives—are examples of directA referendum on the future of the Soviet Union was held on 17 March 1991 across the Soviet Union. The question put to voters was Do you consider necessaryThe Referendum Party was a Eurosceptic, single-issue political party that was active in the United Kingdom from 1994 to 1997. The party's sole objectivein the form of demands for home rule within the United Kingdom. Two referendums on devolution were held in 1979 and 1997, with a devolved Scottish ParliamentGovernment has proposed holding a second referendum on Scottish independence from the United Kingdom (UK). A first referendum on independence was held in Septemberreferendum on continued EC membership in 1975 in which voters chose to stay within the bloc with 67.2% of the vote share, but no further referendums werein Germany on 29 March 1936. They took the form of a single-question referendum, asking voters whether they approved of the military occupation of theThe Northern Ireland border poll was a referendum held in Northern Ireland on 8 March 1973 on whether Northern Ireland should remain part of the UnitedScottish referendum may refer to any one of several referendums in Scotland: 1920 Scottish licensing referendum 1979 Scottish devolution referendum 1997 ScottishThe Australian republic referendum held on 6 November 1999 was a two-question referendum to amend the Constitution of Australia. The first question askedThe 2020 Mississippi flag referendum was a legislatively referred state statute appearing on the November 3, 2020 general election ballot in MississippiThe Good Friday Agreement referendum, 1998 was a referendum held in Northern Ireland over whether there was support for the Good Friday Agreement. TheAn institutional referendum (Italian: referendum istituzionale, or referendum sulla forma istituzionale dello Stato) was held in Italy on 2 June 1946,An independence referendum for Kurdistan Region of Iraq was held on 25 September 2017, with preliminary results showing approximately 92.73 percent ofthe Reichstag during Nazi rule and took the form of a single-question referendum asking whether voters approved of a single list of Nazi and pro-Nazi guestindependence referendum was held in Bougainville, an autonomous region of Papua New Guinea, between 23 November and 7 December 2019. The referendum questionThe 1995 Quebec independence referendum was the second referendum to ask voters in the French-speaking Canadian province of Quebec whether Quebec shouldA referendum on the formation of the United Arab Republic and appointing Gamal Abdel Nasser as its president was held in Syria on 21 February 1958, alongsideA referendum (in some countries synonymous with plebiscite, or a vote on a ballot question) is a direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked toReferendums held in 1979 were: 1979 Scottish devolution referendum 1979 Welsh devolution referendum March 1979 Iranian Islamic Republic referendum 1979The referendum on EU membership took place on 23 June 2016. Opinion polling for the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum was ongoing inA referendum on merging the posts of Chancellor and President was held in Germany on 19 August 1934, seventeen days after the death of President Paul vonQuebec referendum's bill that established the referendum law 1980 Quebec referendum's bill that established the referendum law European Union (Referendum) BillThe 1980 Quebec independence referendum was the first referendum in Quebec on the place of Quebec within Canada and whether Quebec should pursue a pathA constitutional referendum was held in Tuvalu on 30 April 2008. The referendum sought to abolish the monarchy of Tuvalu and establish the country as aAn independence referendum was held in New Caledonia on 4 October 2020. The poll was the second to be held under the terms of the Nouméa Accord, followingA referendum on ending apartheid was held in South Africa on 17 March 1992. The referendum was limited to white South African voters, who were asked whetherA referendum on whether Norway should join the European Community was held on 25 September 1972. After a long period of heated debate, the "No" side wonThe Prussian Landtag referendum 1931 was a referendum to dissolve the Prussian Landtag or parliament held on the initiative of Der Stahlhelm ex-servicemen's

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